Christmas Comes Early for Oldham Mother

Stagecoach Manchester awards carer announced as Greater Manchester’s Unsung Hero

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Amazed: Marie Carslaw on being presented her award.

Here’s a nice Christmas story for you regarding a charitable Oldhamer. That of full time carer, Marie Carslaw. In a Stagecoach Manchester competition, she has been announced as the region’s unsung hero. Continue reading “Christmas Comes Early for Oldham Mother”

The Sultans of SID: #23: Adam Gilmore

Our twenty-third SID sultan of our Advent Calendar

From yesterday, our little clue was:

His nickname is the shared with either one of the Gremlins, one of Damon Grant’s mates in the early episodes of Brookside, and a guitar device created by Godley and Creme.

Continue reading “The Sultans of SID: #23: Adam Gilmore”